Bio-degradable Express Bag is a kind of fast courier bag that has been developed by a Chinese factory. It is made of a combination of PLA and PBAT materials, and can be 100% degraded into natural substances. The factory has a capacity of 500 tons of production per month, and has earned a number of certifications such as OK HOME COMPOST, EN13432, ASTMD 6400, PBI, and AS 5810. This express bag is designed to provide a more eco-friendly way for people to send and receive packages. It can be broken down naturally in a short amount of time, reducing the amount of waste that accumulates in landfills. Moreover, it is non-toxic, and does not emit any harmful gases during the decomposition process. The express bag also offers a number of additional benefits. It is lightweight, making it easy to transport, and it is also highly water resistant, ensuring that the contents remain dry and secure. Furthermore, it is strong and durable, making it suitable for a variety of applications. Overall, the Bio-degradable Express Bag is an innovative and sustainable product that provides a number of advantages for consumers and the environment. With its high production capacity and certification, it is a reliable product that can be used with confidence.