We understand that each client has unique needs, which is why our bags come with customization options. We can print your logo, adjust the size or thickness of the bag, and even make it more environmentally friendly by printing with eco-friendly inks. This personalization is an excellent way for businesses to add their branding to the bag, making them ideal for marketing and promotional purposes.
One of the most outstanding features of our compostable self-adhesive bags is their reusability. The stickers can be reused many times, making them an economical option. In addition, the bag has also passed EN13432, OK HOME COMPOST, BPI and other certificate certifications, and complies with the environmental protection standards of the United States and Europe.
All in all, our biodegradable self-adhesive poly bags are an excellent investment for businesses that prioritize sustainability and practicality. With its high-quality materials, customizable options, and reusability, this bag is a versatile and durable option sure to meet your packing needs. Choose our products today and change the world by adopting environmentally friendly practices that benefit everyone.